#!/bin/bash -e
function describe () {

# Describe this package, and/or how it's built, however you want.

if [ x$1 = "xshort" -o x$1 = "xbrief" ]; then
  echo "One line description here."
  cat <<"EOF"
A longer description of any nature can go here.
Just make sure to leave the following end-of-file marker.

function setup () {

# These are steps which must be taken before the code base can be
# compiled & installed.  For example, creating new daemon users/groups. 
# These things cannot be saved in the as-built pio backup.  That could
# cause inappropriate restoration of modified system files, overwriting,
# say, etc/passwd.  Very bad!  During cloning, this function will be
# called before the as-built package is restored.

:		# null command (empty functions disallowed)

function build () {
# Compile, install, and save the code base.

# Build 
echo "Estimated build time: 0.0SBU"
# (-Search for prerequisites.-)
PREREQ1=`basename $(find /usr/local/pio -maxdepth 1 -name \
 '*xyz*') 2>/dev/null` || nf="$nf 1" &&
[ "${nf}" ] && echo "Not found: prereqs" $nf && exit
# (-Normal make sequence.-)
(./configure --target="$CTARGET" 2>&1 | \
  tee log.conf && exit $PIPESTATUS) &&
(make -j $MMPF 2>&1 | tee log.make && exit $PIPESTATUS) &&
pio `basename $0` &&
(make install 2>&1 | tee log.inst && exit $PIPESTATUS) &&
# (-Need to add a source file, e.g. daemon startup script?-)
# N.B. If you need variable substitution _NOW_ remove quotes from "EOF"
(cat >/etc/init.d/daemon <<"EOF"
) &&
# (-Pattern for starting runlevels.-)
ln -s ../init.d/daemon /etc/rc2.d/S00daemon &&
ln -s ../init.d/daemon /etc/rc2.d/K99daemon &&
chmod 755 /etc/init.d/daemon &&
echo f | pio `basename $0` &&
# (-Record prerequisite.-)
pio `basename $0` --requires $PREREQ1 &&
pio --backup `basename $0`


function finish () {

# These are the steps which must happen after the package is installed.
# Generally they are special customizations & initializations.  During 
# cloning, this function will be called after the as-built files are
# restored, allowing new customizations for the new system to be
# installed.

:		# null command (empty functions disallowed)

function remove () {

# These are the steps necessary to remove what was done during setup &
# finish to complete package removal.  For example: deleting daemon
# users/groups, removing initialization or operational files.  Removal 
# of the installed code-base is currently handled by pio.

:		# null command (empty functions disallowed)

case "$1" in

# The correct way to replace this package is to run the "remove"
# function on the installed package, and have pio remove the as-builts. 
# Then you can build a replacement.  When it comes to restoring a
# damaged package, sometimes you can just have pio restore the files,
# when nothing done in the setup or finish functions needs to be
# changed.  However, note carefully: the backups made by pio in the
# build function are of the generic as-built package files.  The
# customizations done by the finish function are not saved in those
# backups.  They're not saved anywhere!  They may have to be redone.

		# short or brief produces a one-liner, anything else
		# produces a longer description.
		describe $2

		echo "Usage: $0 {describe|setup|build|finish|all|remove}"
		exit 1