6.12. GMP-4.2.4

The GMP package contains math libraries. These have useful functions for arbitrary precision arithmetic.

Approximate build time: 1.5 SBU testsuite included
Required disk space: 39.4 MB testsuite included

6.12.1. Installation of GMP

Prepare GMP for compilation:

./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-cxx --enable-mpbsd

The meaning of the new configure option:


This parameter enables C++ support

Compile the package:



The test suite for GMP in this section is considered critical. Do not skip it under any circumstances.

Test the results:

make check 2>&1 | tee gmp-check-log

Ensure that all 139 tests in the test suite ran successfully by issuing the following command:

awk '/tests passed/{total+=$2} ; END{print total}' gmp-check-log

Install the package:

make install

If desired, install the documentation:

mkdir -v /usr/share/doc/gmp-4.2.4
cp    -v doc/{isa_abi_headache,configuration} doc/*.html \

6.12.2. Contents of GMP

Installed Libraries: libgmp.{a,so}, libgmpxx.{a,so}, and libmp.{a,so}

Short Descriptions


Contains precision math functions.


Contains C++ precision math functions.


Contains the Berkeley MP math functions.