The Bc package contains an arbitrary precision numeric processing language.
First, fix some minor memory leaks in the code:
patch -Np1 -i ../bc-1.06.95-memory_leak-1.patch
Prepare Bc for compilation:
./configure --prefix=/usr \ --with-readline \ --mandir=/usr/share/man \ --infodir=/usr/share/info
The meaning of the configure options:
This option tells Bc to use the readline
library that is already installed
on the system rather than using its own readline version.
Compile the package:
To test bc, run the commands below. There is quite a bit of output, so you may want to redirect it to a file. There are a very small percentage of tests (10 of 12,144) that will indicate a roundoff error at the last digit.
echo "quit" | ./bc/bc -l Test/checklib.b
Install the package:
make install